This is our sweety Peter. He was born on April 21st and weighed in at 9 lbs. 7oz. He is such a good little baby and we are enjoying every growing moment of his life. The Lord has truly blessed us.
This blog is to share with family and friends what is going on in our home and homeschool. It's a way to stay connected after moving so far away.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Pool Party
Today I had a few friends over for a pool party. We recently bought a house with a pool. This southern summer heat called for it. All the moms have sons, so there were no girls. Well except for my oldest daughter and the moms :-) Let's see, we had 14 boys ages, 16 and under in the pool and 1 young lady helping to supervise.
Anyway, we had a fun time. I grilled some hot dogs and served watermelon, pink lemonade and chocolate chip cookies. Everyone else brought something to share and there was plenty to eat. We had a lovely time and talked about where we are from and what we are going to be doing this summer. Since we are all homeschooling moms we also talked about home education and how we want it to be more fun for us and the children. We talked about the books we are reading and the children swam and ate then swam some more.
It started to rain but was still very sunny out so we let the children stay in the pool. Then about half an hour later there was a huge loud rumble of thunder and they all ran out of the pool! It was a funny site to see. We sent them back to take the toys out of the pool and then it was about time to go. It was a fun afternoon and I am glad we decided to buy a house with a pool. It is a great way to entertain and fellowship.
Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of our day. But here is a picture of our pool. We are planning another get together next week before I leave to go to the beach with my family.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Hi. My name is Chris and I am finally joining the blogging world. We moved well over 900 miles away from our family and friends, up north, a few months ago, and I needed a way to stay connected.
I also wanted a way to encourage other moms in their endeavor to home educate. There are many ways to homeschool. Those of you that are new to homeschooling will probably have to go through a trial and error to figure out what will work for you. I have been there done that. My oldest child graduated just this year. I have 4 more to educate. Unfortunately the oldest was my guinea pig, so to speak, and we went through some difficulties figuring out learning styles and what works best for her. But she made it and and so did I :)
Here are my four current students. My youngest wasn't born at the time of this photo, but he is now 9 weeks old.
Over the years I tried many different things. But once I learned about a wonderful educator from the 1800's named Charlotte Mason(, and her ideas and philosophy for educating our little people, I could not go back to my old ways of educating. I slowly started implementing her ideas into our homeschool. My eldest child was reluctant since she was accustomed to our traditional homeschool, but she did enjoy the reading and some other aspects of my new found way to educate. The other children will start a full time CM homeschool this upcoming year and I am excited to share our experiences with you. I know that over the yearsI have gained a lot of insight from other moms and their experiences, so I hope that I am able to share something that might help other homeschooling mothers.
We are a Catholic homeschooling family so I will also be sharing what we are learning as we grow in our faith in Christ and the teachings of the Church.
Thanks for joining me!
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