Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Day at the Museum

We had a fun time at the museum. Yesterday we had the homeschool group over for lessons on Picasso and Margritte. We did some fun art projects reflecting "Cubism" and "Surrealism". The next morning we all woke up with art on the brain. So after lessons we went to the Montgomery Art Museum. We were able to see paintings and other art work that reflected cubism and surrealism.

Here is Luther with the view of the lake behind him. Those sculptures at the center actually turn and the birds like to sit on them. It was a gorgeous 75 degree day in Nov.

This is a tile wall that Peter is enjoying looking at.

The boys are actually in the art. There is a painting of this in the museum.

Here is Sara posing in front of the museum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like such a fun day!!